Hello, everyone! My real name is Nitin. I live in a small called Mauritius. Heard about it? Nah, I don't think so. Its such a small island and many people don't actually know it, but I kinda like my country even though I keep on cursing it at times.
I'm a student and right now I'm working in a hotel in the housekeeping department, not far away from home. Ummm I'm actually the shy and naive type. And I don't really have friends in real life. Only one or two. Don't even know if I can still call them my friends though :/ You know how some boys are! Their ego and everything. Ooops I almost forgot! I am a boy too, haha. I guess I'm the only one here. I hope you would still share things with me. I mean its preety much kinda girl talk around here, haha.
The only person whom I know here are Lymun16, Rymelia and Metalchickcrisis2040. But we will get going so I'll get to know the others too with time. At least thats what I think.
I'm very simple and I like to be with kids. I like piano and pop song. And a very keen interest in Tae Kwon Do. Editing? Well I started off with my Windows Movie Maker doing slide shows like err...last year. Then I got Vegas, or I would say Veg ASS, haha.But know that I'm the only one from my country editing FF. There is absolutely NO one here. I can guarantee that. Making history : )